Going deeper with one-to-one support

Working one-to-one is a powerful way to receive personalised support for what your heart’s deeper needs and longings are at this moment. Taking time to soften, listen, explore, and connect – lovingly held and guided by a supportive hand and heart.

Meeting you where you are at this moment, I offer a few ways to connect one-to-one – online and in person, in single sessions or on longer journeys together. Below, you can explore my current one-to-one offerings, and donàt hesitate to get in touch to explore how I could best support you.

Single sessions online and in-person

  • 40-minute online meditation session

    A space of calm and peace for yourself – to receive, be held, and supported in your day, and in your journey. A nourishing and soothing pause to reconnect and find a place of calm within yourself.

  • 60-minute in-person meditation & sound bath

    A peaceful space for you to pause, rest, feel held and be nourished by the soothing frequencies of quartz crystal sound bowls in my loving home.

  • In-person cacao ritual & sound bath

    A nurturing and loving space for you to connect with your heart space, be held and nurtured by the loving embrace of mama cacao and crystal bowls sound.

Easing into being

30 days one-to-one journey to create a foundation practice for life

Thirty days dedicated to yourself, to self-connection and exploration. A very supportive, lovingly-held container for you to feel safe to connect and build a strong foundation for a daily practice to serve you your whole life.

Learning to soften, to rest, to trust, to lean inwards for the answers and support you need in every moment of your life. Re-discovering the calm, clarity and strength that comes from tending to your inner world.

Words of kindness


“I feel the time has stopped, my body is so relaxed, and at the same time, all my worries are gone, and I really feel that love from the divine and feel I don't need anything and anyone because I have everything and everyone. It's so expansive but at the same time is grounding. So thank you, I know it's going to help me slow down in my day, and I'm smiling, and I'm happy, I'm very grateful.”

— Alex

“I look forward to Elisa’s meditation sessions each week, she creates such a special atmosphere and energy, and I always return home uplifted! I can’t recommend it enough! ”

— Poppy

“Elisa's meditations are truly unique and joyful. Her approach is gentle, yet powerful. I love how at the end of our time together, I feel calm and yet energised to see life for all its beauty and the potential it holds. By far, my favourite meditations have been with Elisa.”

— Jenn

“Elisa is a loving and gentle soul who expertly leads circles and can easily put you at ease and in a meditative state. Elisa crafts beautiful experiences that leave you filled with connection. ”

— Dawn

“The meditation session with Elisa was just what I needed to shift some sadness and anxiety feelings I had been experiencing in the previous days. Since the beginning of the meditation, I started to feel better and lighter – the breathing exercise instantly helped release these heavier feelings and make me feel more grounded and centred.”

— Fabio

“The meditation program with Elisa has been an incredible inner journey. I had already practised meditation and experienced other courses in the past, but the journey with Elisa has been very different. Exceptionally rich in information, scientific studies and tips on how to keep up with your practice. What did I love the most about it? The many beautiful guided meditations and Elisa's gentle guidance always trying to help you wherever you were in your practice.”

— Helena