Sacred containers to gather and connect

Back to Your Self

A sacred online container to cultivate connection to Self – remembering how to access that space of calm, peace, love and strength within yourself. Inviting presence and intention into your day and creating more inner space and peace.

An opportunity to slow down and cultivate inner connection in preparation for the descent into the darker winter months. Join us to to be held in the feeling of community, support, belonging and accountability and find your way back to your centre, cultivating the ability to find peace and calm in the present moment through guided meditation, self-reflection, and affirmations.

Moving inward

A sacred online container to cultivate your inner connection to Self and to the stillness within this winter, leading towards Winter Solstice and the (sometimes hard time of) festive holidays.

Starting on the 1st of December and finishing on the Winter Solstice, the 21st of December, we will be spiralling inward in a journey into winter, culminating in the darkest time of the year – Winter Solstice – finding your own inner light to lead the way in the darkness.

A space for you to lean into the inward motion of winter, pause, rest, soften, allow, receive, and replenish. An opportunity to slow down, restore and nurture your inner well, nourishing that liminal space between where the seeds of your becoming rest.


Allowing yourself space to softly land into the new year with presence, alignment, and soul-led intentions.

Grounding into the heart and tapping into the stillness and silence within to see and feel where your soul is calling you, what's the frequency of your essence and how you can let it guide you into the year ahead.

Softening into your true essence, allowing it to emerge, aligning with what is true to you. Inviting clarity and purpose into your year with gentleness from the space of your soul.