Moving inward


Softening into the stillness of Winter with 21 days of connection with the stillness within

20 minutes of meditation practice for 21 days
Online pre-recorded journey

A sacred loving container to cultivate the inner connection to the stillness within and for you to find rest and solace in this deep (and sometimes intense) winter time leading towards Winter Solstice and the festive holidays. Spiralling inward in a journey into winter, culminating in the darkest time of the year, guided to find your own inner light in the darkness.

A space for you to lean into the inward motion of winter, pause, rest, soften, allow, receive, and replenish. An opportunity to slow down, reset, restore and nurture your inner well, nourishing that liminal space between where the seeds of your becoming rest.

In winter, everything in nature lies dormant, hidden in the silent earth. This is a sacred time of rest, pause, and reflection. Winter invites us to go within, sit in silence, connect with our inner landscape, explore the darkness and nurture our soil for new seeds to emerge in the following season.

This 21-day journey is a simple and digestible offering for you to be held in the feeling of sacred community, belonging and accountability and find your way to soften into the space of stillness within and into the energy of stillness of this season.

Cultivating the ability to feel at ease and peace in the present moment and in what it is through guided meditations, self-reflection, affirmations and quantum frequencies. Inviting more spaciousness and calm into your day through the power of presence and intention.

Walking together the inner spiral of winter towards Winter Solstice (21 December), this journey will inspire you to connect with the light into the darkness and tap into the potency of stillness. Re-discovering the power of daily practice and inner connection as an empowering tool to stay grounded and centred amidst the ebbs and flows of everyday life.

Everyone is welcome – from beginners who wish to be guided and held into their first encounters with meditation to more experienced meditators who want to feel a sense of community and belonging in which to expand their practice. As per neurological studies, it has been identified that it takes at least 21 days of repeated practice to form any habit, so this could be a wonderful journey to create the foundations for your self-care practice for the months to come.

Bonus included
Extra recorded meditations to support you during busy times.

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What others say:

Elisa's meditations are truly unique and joyful. Her approach is gentle, yet powerful. I love how at the end of our time together, I feel calm and yet energised to see life for all its beauty and the potential it holds. By far, my favourite meditations have been with Elisa.’
Jenn (from Back to Your Self journey)

I wanted to reach out and say how grounding and soothing I found the 'Back to Your Self' journey you led recently. There was such a beautiful and supportive energy throughout the 3 weeks and it felt very special to be a part of it 💞​ Feeling safe is something I struggle with but with your calming guidance I felt held, I felt I could be in my softness and I also felt able to connect inwards. Thank you for giving so thoughtfully and so generously throughout the 21 days, you have such a gift for holding sacred and safe space.
C. (from Back to Your Self journey)

I just wanted to say thank you so much for guiding us through the last 21 days! Absolutely loved it.
Matthew (from Back to Your Self journey)

Back to Your Self